I'm a selfish mum and I am proud of it

Let's start by saying how much I love my boys. All 3 of them (hubby included). Eventhough I feel this way I refuse to let myself get consumed by all of them, losing myself to my family. I know I am not, and never will be, the girl I was before Samuel and Sebastian. That girl has evolved into a mum. Her priorities have shifted. But it is important to note that even though I will never be that same girl, that girl is still part of who I am and I don't want that to change.

For my own self worth, and sanity, I am proud to say that I choose to do things for me and for my family, not just my family. I take my 2 boys with me every Tuesday and Thursday morning to work out (thank you BD Fitness for being so supportive). My boys come with me to get my eyebrows done. They come with me to do grocery shopping. They get dragged from errand to errand. I often look forward to putting them to sleep at 7pm. This helps them get the sleep they need but also I can do things like catch up with my girlfriends, study, reply to emails or organise babysitters so my husband and I can have a date night. 
Apparently this can mean that I am "selfish". Well then, I am proud to be selfish. Being balanced, or selfish, is so important to me. I know my kids feel how loved they are, because they are so loved. But I hope they also see how much their mother loves herself. How much their mother loves her life. How their mother will do anything for them, but also will do anything for herself too. 

So if you are struggling today because you feel lost in it all. You haven't washed your hair in a week. The pile of dirty clothes in the laundry is getting too high. You feel like you can't remember the last time you did something for yourself or just went out of the house on your own. Then I say do it. Think about what you want to do and do it. Find a fitness class that will be happy for you to bring your kid (or kids in my case). Organise a baby sitter. Get your partner to give you some well deserved relief. Be proud to be selfish for once. After all how can you take good care of your children if you can't take good care of yourself? Be proud to be selfish mama. I know I am.

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