
This is hard for me to admit. Before I had kids, if I saw a mum in a shopping centre with a child having a tantrum I probably would have shook my head in disapproval. I probably would have thought to myself something horrible like "that mum doesn't know how to control her child". That was until I had my own children, and realised how things can go from perfect to absolutely crazy in the matter of seconds. 

The other day I saw a mum in a shoe store try to discipline her child who was screaming and smacking his mothers legs. I was shocked because my first reaction was overwhelming. I had to hold back tears. This poor mum had a look of embarrassment on her face that I knew all too well. 

My 15 month old started trantruming recently. His tantrums range from a whiney cry to loud (and I mean LOUD) protest/scream and his arms swing in the air and hit whatever is in their way (which is usually me).
So why does this happen? Perhaps it is a result of him adjusting to his new baby brother. Perhaps it is his frustration at not walking or communicating properly. Whatever the reason it is clear that he is struggling when things don't go his way. 

He is usually a happy baby so when a tantrum comes the feeling of disappointment is overwhelming. But when this happens in public the feeling of disappointment takes the backseat, because all you can think about is the 100 set of eyes that are judging your every move - and the stress takes over. 

So what am I doing about it? I am trying to remain calm. Trying to explain to him why things are the way they are. I try to redirect him and distract him from whatever has made him that upset. This is so exhausting but it does work.

I am hoping that he will grow out if it but I know things are going to get a lot worse (especially as he enters the terrible 2s). If you are a parent strugging with tantrums know you are not alone and try not to pay attention to the judging eyes watching you and your tantruming child because its normal and no one knows what its like being in your shoes. Take care of your bubba and hold your head up high. Just because your child tantrums doesn't mean they are a bad child or you a bad parent. 

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