Hubby just left for work. You both were feeling pretty tired, the past few nights you have had broken sleep. Wait, take that back. You can't actually remember the last time you slept through the night. Probably before falling pregnant with B1 (Baby 1 - my toddler). It is . You have just fed B1 oats for breakfast. You look at his dish and mentally assess how much he has eaten. You are pretty sure that he had at least half of it, and the other half of it in smeared into his hair, high chair, surrounding walls and the floor. You stare at this mess while B1 has a meltdown in the middle of your kitchen because you won't let him touch the microwave buttons. Your 3-month-old (B2) is just glaring at you from his swing chair with eyes that say, "I am going to crack it SOON , you can't keep me in this swing forever". There is a pile of dishes in the sink from breakfast and dishes in the dish tray from last dinner that you were too tired to put away before bed. You haven't showered yet, and your nightie has a little vom down the front of it from B2s feed.
You need a coffee before you tackle anything else. You go to make yourself one (hopefully you can make it before B2 starts whaling) only to there is no milk for your coffee. *INSERT SWARE WORD THAT YOU SCREAM IN YOUR HEAD* And you have no idea what you will feed your toddler or husband for dinner tonight. There is only cabbage in the fridge. You decide you HAVE to go to the shops. If you go now and hopefully B2 will having his morning sleep in the pram (wishful thinking?) but to make all of this happen you need to be out of the house by at least 8:45/9am.
You start the process to leave the house. You take B2 into your bedroom and put him on a mat on the floor. You can hear B1 stop screaming from the kitchen when he that you aren't there anymore. You think that you have about 40 seconds before he reaches the bedroom and runs the risk of using B2 as a speed hump. So you jump in the shower. IT'S THE QUICKEST SHOWER OF YOUR LIFE. Just as you are getting out, B1 enters the bedroom and decides he wants to go into the shower. You distract him with a toy while B2 starts a light cry. Hopefully, he can wait while you throw on some clothes. NOPE, here comes the heartbreaking screams. Your throw on some clothes and pick up B2. Shush, Shush, Shush. The time is now 8:15. While carrying B2 you get a change of clothes for both kids, a handful of nappies, a bottle of formula for B2 and some snacks for B1and you squish them all into a bag. You hope that is everything you might need. You put B2 into the capsule, while B1 is crying at your leg to be picked up. Your stress levels are starting to rise. 8:25. You pick up the bag, the capsule and you pop B1 on your hip. All up you are carrying about 15-20kls you go to leave the house when you do a mental checklist to make sure you have everything. Keys? yep. Wallet? yep. Phone? SHIT. When was the last time you had that thing? Everything gets put down, and instantly both kids start crying. Sigh. You can't remember when you last used your phone. DAMN IT. Oh wait, you were checking the weather when you there was no milk. You find the phone, it's in the fridge where the bloody milk should be. By this stage, B1 and B2 are losing their minds. You give B2 the dummy, pick up B1 and we are off again. Somehow you have made it to the car without dropping anything/anyone but you have started to work up a sweat. It is now 8:35.
You get both kids in the car. They both seem quite and you think to yourself, "I've got this". You start the engine, reverse out of the driveway and get on your way. You pull up to a set of lights and B2 starts crying, like really CRYING. You take off and B2 is quite. You stop at a stop sign and he starts again, you take off and he stops. Oh man, school traffic. Whenever you stop, he starts. Whenever you go, he stops. It's actually kind of impressive and it seems to be entertaining B1. You get to the supermarket. Pull into a spot. And like lighting, you are at the boot taking out the double pram with the 100 extensions and clips that you need to put the 2 seats on the pram. You need to put B2 in first. He is still crying since you parked. B1 starts crying because he hates being left in the car. You finally get both kids in the pram. You walk straight past the supermarket and into the cafe. "Strong soy latte" are the only words you have the energy to say to the barista. She smiles at you and says "Wow you must have your hands full" looking at the pram. You feel like saying "you have no idea lady" but you politely smile instead.
Now that you have your coffee you head over to the . B2 starts to doze off and B1 is entertained by the and people in the supermarket. You get the milk and something easy for dinner. Praying that you got everything you need you pay and head back to the car. As you get there you sigh to yourself, you can't be bothered dissembling the pram and putting the kids back in the car. But you do it. LUCKILY B2 is still sleeping. And you are starting to feel the effects of the caffeine. Both kids are in, the pram has been put away and the shopping is in the front seat. You get home and you look at B2 through your rear view mirror and think, maybe he will sleep in the capsule for a bit while I unload the car. Then, BAM, like he can hear your thoughts you see his eyes swing wide open and look directly at you. He starts to cry. DAMN IT. You take both kids back into the house. You leave B1 crying inside the house at the back door and B2 crying in the capsule while you run to get the groceries. You get back into the house and pick up B2 and try to settle him while reading B1 a book. You can put the groceries away later, once the kids are settled. It is only 9:30 in the morning.
You swear to yourself that next time, you will just go without coffee and get the hubby to do a shop on his way home from work. That was too exhausting. But 3 days later, you do it over again and it gets a little easier and you feel a little less stressed. The more you do it, the better you get at it.
That is what it is like leaving the house with 2 kids under 2. Stressful? Yep! Worth it? You betcha.
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